In Stock


Welcome to our eco-conscious toiletries range, where sustainability meets self-care! We take pride in offering a curated selection of zero-waste products that pamper both you and the planet. Our thoughtfully sourced toiletries, from revitalising shampoos to nourishing soaps, are all crafted with the environment in mind. Say goodbye to plastic waste and hello to refillable options and biodegradable packaging, as we are committed to our eco-friendly mission. Elevate your daily routine with guilt-free indulgence, knowing that each purchase contributes to a greener future. Join us in embracing a lifestyle that harmonises luxury with sustainability, one eco-friendly toiletry at a time.



Embrace a greener lifestyle with our eco-friendly toiletries

In a world where environmental concerns have taken centre stage, the need for sustainable choices has never been more important. Introducing our exquisite range of toiletries designed to pamper you while caring for the planet. Our commitment to zero-waste toiletries in New Mills shines through in every product we offer. Elevate your daily routine with guilt-free indulgence and make a positive impact on the environment with our thoughtfully curated collection.


Zero-waste beauty: redefining your self-care ritual

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is more than just a slogan for us – it’s a philosophy we live by. Our zero-waste toiletries embody this ethos, crafted to minimize environmental impact without compromising on quality. From biodegradable packaging to refillable containers, we’ve meticulously designed every aspect of our products to align with our sustainability goals. Unveil a new era of self-care, where your well-being and the planet’s well-being go hand in hand.


Eco-friendly toiletries: a revolution in personal care

1. Plastic-free packaging: At the heart of our commitment to sustainability is our dedication to plastic-free packaging. Unlike traditional toiletry products that generate heaps of single-use plastic waste, our collection features biodegradable, compostable, or reusable packaging options. By choosing our products, you’re contributing to a world with less plastic pollution and a brighter future for generations to come.

2. Refillable solutions: Embrace a waste-reducing lifestyle with our refillable toiletry solutions. Our shop encourages you to make a lasting impact by investing in quality containers that can be replenished with your favourite products. This innovative approach not only minimizes packaging waste but also provides you with a cost-effective way to enjoy your preferred toiletries.

3. Cruelty-free and vegan: Elevate your self-care routine with a clear conscience. Our toiletries are entirely cruelty-free and vegan, ensuring no harm comes to animals during production. We believe that taking care of yourself should never compromise the well-being of our fellow creatures or the environment.

4. Ethical sourcing: We believe that true beauty lies in ethical practices. Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our products to the sourcing of ingredients. We partner with suppliers who share our values, ensuring fair wages and environmentally conscious practices throughout the supply chain.


Join the movement: your purchase, your impact

Every time you choose our eco-friendly toiletries, you’re casting a vote for a cleaner, healthier planet. By reducing waste and choosing sustainable products, you’re contributing to a brighter future for generations to come. Each purchase is a step towards reducing plastic pollution, conserving resources, and fostering a circular economy.


Refill and rejoice: our commitment to zero waste

Step into a new era of responsible consumption with our innovative refill stations. Our commitment to zero-waste doesn’t stop at the point of purchase. With our refillable packaging options, you can continuously replenish your favourite products, minimising your carbon footprint and embracing a sustainable lifestyle without compromising convenience.


Your sustainable self-care awaits: shop now!

Are you ready to redefine your self-care routine? Elevate your well-being while making a positive impact on the planet by exploring our exquisite range of eco-friendly and zero-waste toiletries in New Mills. Each product tells a story of sustainability. Embrace the beauty of ethical consumption and experience the joy of conscious living. Get in touch for more details or visit our lovely shop in New Mills today and be a part of the movement towards a more sustainable tomorrow.

What We Stock

Toiletries (refill):

Bodywash (Miniml, BioD, faith in Nature)
Handwash (Miniml, BioD, faith in Nature)
Shampoo (Miniml, BioD, faith in Nature)
Hair conditioner (Miniml, BioD, faith in Nature)
Body lotion (Faith in Nature)
Moisturizer (Upcircle)
Face serum (Upcircle)
Face toner (Upcircle)
Facial scrub (Upcircle)
Night cream (Upcircle)
Soap bars (Faith in Nature)

Toiletries (packaged):

Soaps (single and gift packs)
(Wild Olive, Friendly, Faith in Nature, Alter/Native)
Shampoo bars (Friendly, Alter/Native, Ecoliving)
Conditioner bars (Friendly, Alter/Native, Ecoliving)
Hair wax
Bamboo hairbrushes
Bamboo combs
Handwash 200ml
Deodorants (Wild, Ben & Anna, Biork)
Shaving bars (Friendly, Ecoliving, Rugged Nature)

Coconut shaving bowls
Beard brushes
Beard scissors
Beard oil
Toothpaste tablets
Mouthwash tablets
Interdental brushes
Cloths (various)
Sponges (various)

Cotton buds
Nail brushes
Soap tins
Lip balms
Hand cream
Moisturiser (Upcircle)
Face Serum (Upcircle)
Face balm (Upcircle)
Night cream (Upcircle)
Eye cream (Upcircle)
Hand cream (Upcircle)
Face toner (Upcircle)
Eye roller (Upcircle)
Make-up spatulas (Upcircle)

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